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#   PaPaPro Lake benthic biodiversity
#   Palau marine lake transect biodiversity survey, 2014-2016
#   M. Dawson (UC- version 2 [rsion date: 2019-05-08
#   version 2 [replaces 2014-11-27 version 1/2014-11-27]
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
GLK      Goby_Lake_Koror                    7.3149    134.5018   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.25                 Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-A     GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.25                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.25                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove root overhang  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could barely see at this depth  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline at 10 ft; went down, laid transect just above chemocline, and then all vis disappeared. Tried waiting, but ended up doing horizontal by touch. No photos  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-A     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes recruit in the Pompom alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    saw pulsing polyp come off Pompom alga - shaped like dandilion seed and pink with pink dots at top of each segment  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-C     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Ci    GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes recruit in the Pompom alga; n=2; one in Ci and other in Cii  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                         mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-D     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Di    GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halisarca ID uncertain; slick and right color, but just starting and none other around, so indescript on shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    was clear with chemocline below when started, but got mixed up  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        GLK-06-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock yellow in photo; not sponge - tried chiseling and powdery and that color beneath like the rock is that color  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        GLK-06-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga; rock completely crumbles apart when you run your finger over it  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-A     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; one in primary, one in Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-B     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; one in primary, one in Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-D     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 10 ft  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               GLK-07-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              GLK-07-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              GLK-07-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 09 ft; white layer above until 06 ft  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Conical hydromedusa                                                                                   mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-D     GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Not rocketship hydromedusa  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth, cyanobacteria/mung covering substrate  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead microsnail  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leaf  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    green cyanobacteria covering substrate at this depth  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              GLK-01-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               A     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               B     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               C     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               D     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     Microsnail sp 2                                                                                       leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-A     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    GLK-05-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-08-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud                             GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-B     GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud                             GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-D     GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Di    GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-B     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-C     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-D     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with leaf                            GLK-10-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-10-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          GLK-11-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost specimen  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          GLK-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       shell and mud on rock                     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-A     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Brown orange encrusting felty sponge      nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       rock                                      GLK-12-LMS-0.5m-C     GLK-12-LMS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             GLK-12-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-D     GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Pompom alga                               Flat worm                                                                                             mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-A     GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    Segmented worm                                                                                        mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-C     GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    Green turf alga                                                                                       mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-D     GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             10                   White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    White feather retracting hydroid          Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-B     GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-D     GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-06-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Pompom alga                               Conical hydromedusa                                                                                   mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-B     GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Pompom alga; Conical hydromedusa                                                                      mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-C     GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Ci    GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not rocketship hydromedusa  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-07-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.2             21                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-07-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             0.8                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Gastropod eggs                            nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Gold thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Gastropod eggs                            nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             4                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leave in the mud  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             4                    Brachidontes                              Yellow thin smooth encrusting sponge                                                                  mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-B     GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Peach long nereid                                                                                     mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-C     GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Transparent red dot ascidian              Peach long nereid; Brachidontes                                                                       mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-D     GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Di    GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                A     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                B     nd                    0.5             3.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                C     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                D     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                A     nd                    1.5             7.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                B     nd                    1.5             7.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-B     GLK-04-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                C     nd                    1.5             7.7                  Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                D     nd                    1.5             7.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                A     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                B     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                C     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                D     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this site amongst fallen tree branches  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-06-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-D     GLK-06-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; on in primary, one in Di  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               A     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 10 ft; this depth under a fallen tree  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               B     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of Brachidontes shells; few microsnails (lots on the Green turf alga on log above)  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               C     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               D     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on downed log  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    hanging off downed log; moved to sediment behind  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    white layer goes to 06 ft to chemocline  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pompom alga in photo; not attached so not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 09 ft; dead microsnail and dead alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-A     GLK-13-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                A     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                B     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                C     7                     2.13            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                D     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Red wiry alga                             Red smooth worm; Microsnail                                                                           rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-B     GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Snail in photo, but not collected  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               Red smooth worm; Green turf alga                                                                      rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-C     GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Ci    GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Red smooth worm                           Microsnail                                                                                            rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary & secondary sample lost  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            15                   Red smooth worm                           nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-13-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Orange ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-01-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-01-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              Gastropod eggs; Tan slippery porous sponge                                                            mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-A     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Ai    GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-B     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-D     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             4                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-05-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-08-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-08-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-10-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-10-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Tan slippery porous sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Tan slippery porous sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Speedy mesosnail                          nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       leaves and mud                            GLK-12-MRS-1.5m-A     GLK-12-MRS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             9                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-C     GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-D     GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               A     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               B     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               C     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               D     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-B     GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube B and the other in Bi  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp Mastigias; Brachidontes                                                                   mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-D     GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-Di    GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Red smooth worm                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-C     GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube C and the other in Ci  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange felty vein sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-08-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-08-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow thin smooth encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-B     GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, ID unknown barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; brachidontes had mung on shell, not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; brachidontes had mung on shell, not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-D     GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube D and the other in Di  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-10-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-10-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-10-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White feather retracting hydroid found on fallen leaf  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-11-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-11-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-A     GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    one microsnail in tube 2.5 A; other 3 in tube 2.5 Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              GLK-12-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-12-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mustard encrusting sponge on log  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-12-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mustard encrusting sponge on rock  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-B     GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube B and the other in Bi  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present